There are several labs in different Baltic countries that are actively involved in different aspects of Extracellular Vesicles research. Here we provide links and short descriptions of these labs. This information will help to map different expertise available in the Baltic countries. At the same time we hope BSEV providing this information will encourage scientific collaboration, exchange of information and knowledge . The information provided in this page can be used to find new partners for grant applications and other related activities to promote different aspects of EV research field in the Baltics.

Research interests:

  • EVs as a source of cancer biomarkers
  • EV-induced effects as functional biomarkers
  • Tissue sources and functions of exercise-induced EVs
  • Development of novel technologies for the detection and analysis of EVs

Areas of expertise:

  •  Isolation of EVs from plasma, urine and cell culture medium
  •  Characterisation of EV RNA cargo using RNA sequencing and ddPCR
  •  Mass production of EVs using a hollow fiber bioreactor
  •  Uptake of EVs and EV-induced effects in recipient cells

Equipment and facilities: 

  • EV production, isolation and characterization: KD BIO Hollow fibre bioreactor, Zetasizer Nano ZS, NanoSight NS300, Joel JEM-1230 transmission electron microscope
  • Genetic analyses: Illumina MiSeq, MGI DNBSEQ-G400, Sanger sequencing, QX200 droplet digital PCR, ViiA 7 real-time PCR 
  • Animal experiments: SPF animal core facility (IVCs, ABSL2 rooms for housing and procedures, IVIS Spectrum system etc.)

Contacts: Aija Linē,

Research interests:

  • We are interested in different aspects of Extracellular Vesicle function in health and disease. We are working with different types of EVs from Human, Animas and plants. We are interested in understanding inter-individual and inter-species communications mediated by EVs.

Areas of expertise:

  • Isolation of EVs from plasma, urine, reproductive origin fluids and cell culture media of animal and Human origin
  • Characterisation of recipient cell responses to EVs using sequencing technology based on Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology
  • Nanoparticle tracking analysis of EVs
  • Proteomic analysis of EVs

Equipment and facilities: 

  • Particle Matrix NTA 
  • Genetic analyses: Oxford Nanopore Analysis
  • Proteomic Analysis: Experience in EV proteomic and bioinformatic analysis

Contacts: Alireza Fazeli,

Research interests:

  • EVs as potent therapeutic tools against cancer. Designing and generation of EVs with desired properties. 
  • EVs as a source of cancer biomarkers. Development of new technologies for the detection and analysis of EVs

Areas of expertise:

  • Isolation of EVs from blood serum and cell culture media 
  • Molecular cloning, site-directed mutagenesis of proteins, generation of EVs and VLPs (virus-like particles) in mammalian cells
  • Analysis of EVs by ELISA, western blot, immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry
  • Proteomic analysis of EVs

Equipment and facilities: 

  • Beckman Coulter ultracentrifuge Optima XE-90
  • ÄKTA-purifiers for isolation of proteins and EVs
  • Flow Cytometer Attune NxT (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
  • Confocal microscopes Zeiss LSM 710 and 900; Imaging system EVOS M5000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
  • Molecular Biology lab using standard equipment (gel-electrophoresis, incubators, shakers, etc)
  • Mammalian cell culture facility with standard equipment (BSL2-level laminars, CO2 incubators, microscope, cell counter, etc.)
  • Proteomic Analysis using mass-spectrometers Q Exactive Plus and Q Exactive HF (Thermo Fisher Scientific).  Experience in EV proteomic and bioinformatic analysis.

Contacts: Reet Kurg,

Research interests:

We focus our research on the EVs derived from different types of adult stem cells and their applications in basic research and cell-based therapies.

Two main research directions are:

  • EVs as a potent therapeutic tools against neurodegenerative diseases. Studies in vitro and in vivo.
  • Molecular mechanisms regulating EV interactions with human microglia.

Areas of expertise:

  • Mass production of EVs using biorectors.
  • Isolation of EVs from cell culture medium using differential ultracentifugation, TFF and chromatography
  • EV labeling.
  • Characterization of EV-induced effects in human dopaminergic neurons and microglia.

Equipment and facilities:

  • Ultracentrifuge Sorvall LYNX 6000.
  • Confocal microscope Leica Sp8.

Contacts:  Augustas Pivoriūnas,